Using Winter Break For Dental Needs

Using Winter Break For Dental NeedsMost schools in Greenville, TX get a Winter Break from classes that goes well into January. If you are a lucky adult, you might also get some extended time off of work during this time of year. If you have kids at home from school or college, the break over winter could be a great time to check up on the family’s dental needs. Use the free time to schedule appointments with the dentist rather than waiting until the schedules fill back up again with class and extracurricular activities. Use this time for yourself to get the preventive care you need or to take care of any potential problems with your own smile. 

Routine Cleanings

A professional dental cleaning is a way to remove bacteria from your smile that you may not be able to remove at home. For example, if bacterial plaque (the sticky film that coats your teeth) hardens and calcifies, it turns into tartar. Plaque can be removed with a toothbrush and floss; tartar cannot. Plaque and tartar cause tooth decay and gum disease. Removing them from your smile helps to keep your smile healthy. A routine cleaning is also a great time for you to learn techniques to help keep your smile clean. For example, it may be evident that there is one part of your mouth that you miss during your routine. Your dentist or hygienist can give you pointers on how to better reach that missed spot.

Taking Care of Issues

Visits to your dentist also allow for any potential issues or current problems to be discovered. Dealing with issues sooner than later is the best way to avoid more pain, expense, or time spent on the solution. For example, if your college-aged son needs a root canal treatment, why not do it over winter break? Waiting to deal with a severely decayed or damaged tooth can lead to a necessary extraction.

When was your last visit to the dentist?

Winter break can be a good time to check up on your family’s dental health. To schedule a consultation with Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX call us at 903-455-5750. We proudly serve patients from Hunt County, Greenville, Royce City, Sulphur Springs, and all surrounding communities.