Month: August 2018

Smile Problems Despite Healthy Appearance

Appearances can be deceiving. You may finally have gotten your teeth to the perfect shade of pearly white, but is your smile healthy? There are quite a few reasons why you may not notice smile problems when your smile is looking healthy. The first reason is that it is hard to see inside one’s own… Read more »

Benefits Of A Straighter Smile

There is a common misconception that crooked teeth only affect the way that your smile looks. Unfortunately, misalignment of your smile can affect your oral health by increasing your risks of tooth decay and gum disease. Straightening your smile can decrease these risks and help you keep your smile in good health. Invisalign treatment can… Read more »

Can I Change The Shape Of My Teeth?

The shape of teeth can be changed and so can the size and shade. Cosmetic dentistry allows for most appearance issues to be managed. If you are insecure about the shape or size of your teeth, there is likely a way for it to be adjusted. Depending on your specific wants and needs, a different… Read more »

Smile Health: Back To School Season

For most schools in Greenville, TX, summer vacation is coming to an end in just about two weeks. Back-to-school season is usually a time when kids get excited about new outfits and new school supplies. It can also be a great time to recommit to oral health. Whether your kids are heading into kindergarten or… Read more »