When you lose one tooth, or up to three in a row, then a dental bridge could be prescribed to address the issue and restore beauty and function to your smile. But what if we could provide one that lasts longer, and protects your jawbone structure? In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist will talk… Read more »
Month: February 2021
Placing A Custom Crown In One Visit
With the CEREC system, our team uses CAD/CAM technology to create lifelike restorations and place them in only one visit. You no longer need two to three visits, and you don’t have to wear a temporary either. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist will explain how we create lifelike restorations and place them same-day.
Treating Infected Teeth With A Root Canal
A tooth could become infected as a result of an injury to a tooth that exposes the pulp, or due to untreated cavities. To treat the issue and prevent tooth loss, your Greenville, TX, dentist may suggest root canal therapy. In today’s blog, we’re going to explain how we treat infected teeth with a safe… Read more »