Could Sedation Dentistry Help Me?

Could Sedation Dentistry Help Me?When a person has more extreme feelings of unease or anxiety, they may find that even the thought of setting an appointment with the dentist can be stressful. Your dentist and your dental team want to make you feel comfortable during your visits and treatment. Dental anxiety can prevent you from getting important care to protect your smile and your oral health. Sedation dentistry can help calm your nerves, while you stay conscious and alert during treatment. Rather than skip important checkups or avoid essential treatments because of nerves and anxiety, dental sedation can help you get through the care you need. 

Have a Discussion

Dental anxiety is incredibly common for many people. Some people worry about the potential pain while others worry about needles or embarrassment. Some people cannot even pinpoint the cause of their nervousness. Whether or not you know what causes your dental anxiety, you should discuss it with your dentist and/or their dental team. When you communicate this, you can work together to help you get through your feelings of anxiety. Your dentist may be able to help you avoid the specific things that cause you nervousness, offer ways to distract yourself, or provide options for sedation. If you keep the anxiety to yourself, it may make it harder to manage.

Types of Sedation

Depending on your specific needs, the treatment you are receiving, or the level of your anxiety, your dentist recommend a different form of sedation. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is one of the most commonly prescribed forms. The mild sedative gas is inhaled through a mask and the effects dissipate almost immediately after the mask is removed. Oral sedatives can be taken before your treatment begins, for those who need something stronger than nitrous oxide. For severe cases of dental phobia, IV sedation may be recommended.


Dental sedation can help ease your nerves about going to the dentist

Talk to your dentist if anxiety is keeping you from important dental care. To schedule a consultation with Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX call us at 903-455-5750. We proudly serve patients from Hunt County, Greenville, Royce City, Sulphur Springs, and all surrounding communities.