Autumn can be the start of the season for sweets and treats. Snacks become less about fuel and more about indulgence. The Texas State Fair is starting soon and for those of us going from Greenville, TX, we may snack on some unhealthy fare at the fair. While there is nothing wrong with occasionally treating yourself with something fun, it should be balanced with smile-healthy nutrition. We have narrowed down the complicated world of nutrition down to just three tips that might help you choose a snack that is healthy for your smile.
Tip #1: Chew Your Fruits & Veggies
Fruits and vegetables are essential parts of any healthy diet. Fruit juice and smoothies can seem like healthy choices because of that fact. Unfortunately, fruit juice is jam-packed with sugar. Juice and smoothies can be loaded with sugar and calories while leaving out some of the most important bits of the whole fruit and vegetables: the fibrous nature. Chewing on an apple or a piece of celery can almost be like brushing your teeth. Drinking apple juice skips out on that benefit. When thinking about your smile’s health, opt for chewing the fruit or vegetable instead of drinking it.
Tip #2: Drink Water
Sugary beverages seem to be everywhere. From giant sodas to frozen coffee milkshakes, there is sugar. On top of the sugar, some beverages also have high levels of acidity that can increase your odds of enamel erosion. When choosing what to drink, water is a safe choice. Fluoridated water can have an added benefit of fluoride that can help re-mineralize your teeth to keep them strong.
Tip #3: Follow with Sugarless Gum
If you do indulge in a sugary or starchy snack or drink, follow it with a sip of water or some sugarless gum. Both water and chewing sugarless gum can help induce saliva that will help rinse away some of the bacteria. It is still important to thoroughly clean your mouth through brushing and flossing, but gum and water can help in the meantime.
Do you have more tips for choosing smart snacks?
Nutrition is an important part of smile health. To schedule a consultation with Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX call us at 903-455-5750. We proudly serve patients from Hunt County, Greenville, Royce City, Sulphur Springs, and all surrounding communities.