Saving Your Tooth with Root Canal Therapy

Don’t postpone dental treatment when you need to repair an issue with your teeth. In almost every case, the longer you wait, the worse your condition will get. This is especially true with cavities. If you delay the treatment of a cavity, that cavity will get larger and more destructive to the structure of your tooth. Untreated cavities can spread deep inside the tooth and reach the root canals. Once your root canals become infected, your entire tooth is in jeopardy. If you continue to delay treatment, you may eventually lose the tooth altogether. Root canal therapy can save your tooth.

Your Root Canals Connect to the Rest of Your Mouth

The roots of your tooth hold the tooth in place within your jawbone. If the roots become damaged, your tooth can loosen, and it may eventually fall out. Inside the roots of your tooth, your root canals play an important function for your overall oral health. The root canals carry nerves and blood vessels to and from your teeth. They serve as a transportation system. When bacteria gets into that transportation system, the bacteria can use it to spread to other oral tissues and create further infections. Preventing infected root canals is a matter of treating oral health issues early.

Treat Cavities as Soon as Possible

Root canals don’t just get infected overnight. The slow and steady process of tooth decay causes your problems. If you have a cavity, it means that you have a buildup of bacteria on the surface of your tooth. Your dentist can likely remove the bacteria, sterilize your tooth, and fill it to prevent any more damage. If you don’t treat your cavity, the bacteria will work its way beneath the enamel and into the dentin and pulp of your tooth. These layers connect to the root canals, and the bacteria can spread quickly through infected tissue into this area.

If Your Root Canals Are Infected, Root Canal Therapy Can Help

If your root canals do become infected, your dentist can treat the condition to stop the spread of infection and save your tooth. Root canal therapy involves carefully accessing the interior of your roots through a tiny hole. Once your dentist has access to the interior, they can gently extract all of the infected tissue from inside, fill the canal, and seal your tooth to prevent other bacteria from getting inside. After your root canal therapy, your dentist will place a dental crown over the top of your vulnerable tooth to protect it while you chew.

Find Gentle Treatment at Smith Family Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can be intimidating. If you’re nervous about dental treatment, talk to our team at Smith Family Dentistry. We can walk you through your treatment options and ensure that you’re receiving the care that best suits you. Schedule an appointment with Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX by contacting our office at 903-455-5750.