Are You Due For Your Next Teeth Cleaning And Checkup?

What kind of feedback did you receive at your last routine dental exam? Did your dentist find a problem that required restorative dental treatment, or was your smile found to be issue-free? Were any areas of concern pointed out to you? One thing to remember is that even an appointment that leads to nothing but good news requires follow-up care at home, and during a subsequent visit. Unless you are told by your dentist to follow a different schedule, you should stick to a semiannual treatment schedule whenever possible. By doing so, you can enjoy consistent support in the form of evaluations as well as professional teeth cleanings.

Routine Preventive Care Helps You Stay On Top Of Your Oral Health Needs

If you want to continue enjoying a healthy, attractive smile, you should remain committed to keeping up with a consistent preventive care routine. Part of your commitment should concern your daily oral health care efforts. Brush at least two times per day, floss at least once, and take care of your diet in order to avoid problems with tooth decay or gum disease. The right habits can help you stay on top of your dental health needs, but that does not mean they work as a replacement for professional exams. During routine visits, your hygienist is able to remove tartar deposits that can form between appointments, and your dentist can identify early signs of trouble that you miss.

Receiving A Thorough Dental Cleaning

During a routine visit, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned in order to remove any buildup of tartar that may have formed since your last appointment. Tartar buildup occurs when plaque deposits calcify – once tartar is present, you will not be able to remove it by brushing and flossing. If necessary, we can also recommend a deep cleaning to remove bacteria that are accumulating beneath your gum line. This is effective for treating issues with gingivitis.

What Can Your Dentist Find During An Exam?

Is there really a chance you could have a cavity and not realize it? It can take a cavity time to reach a stage where it causes pain or sensitivity issues. Before this occurs, decay can be pointed out by your dentist in the course of an evaluation. At this point, treatment with a dental filling can be arranged, and the ultimate harm to your tooth structure can be limited.

Count On Consistent Care At Our Greenville, TX Dentist’s Office

Your Greenville, TX dentist’s office helps patients stay on top of their oral health care needs through thorough preventive dental exams. If you are due for a dental exam, if you have concerns about your oral health, or if you have any other questions, you can reach our practice by calling Smith Family Dentistry at 903-455-5750.