If You’re Feeling Sleepy in the Morning It May be Apnea

How rested do you feel when you wake up? If you feel groggy and sluggish throughout the day, it may be a sign that you’re not getting enough sleep, or it may be the sign of a medical condition. Every individual’s sleep needs are different, but if you’re getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every evening, and you still feel tired in the morning, you may be suffering from apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by a blockage in your airways as you sleep. Because of this blockage, you’re not able to get the air you need to breathe, and eventually you will wake up. This can cause you to miss out on the restful sleep that you need.

Signs that You May Have Sleep Apnea

If you are a chronic snorer, it likely means that you’re not breathing adequately as you sleep. If a roommate or partner lets you know that you snore on a nightly basis, it may point to apnea. If your breathing stops while you sleep, and you eventually gasp for air, this is almost certainly an episode of apnea. Symptoms that you may notice during the day include excessive sleepiness, memory problems, irritability, and headaches. These are all symptoms that are associated with sleep deprivation as well, which is what happens when you suffer from sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Robs You of the Nightly Rest that You Need

Sleep apnea presents more inconveniences than just a snore. Sleep apnea disrupts your continuous sleep throughout the night, meaning that you never get the deep, restful sleep that you need to recover each night. Episodes of apnea can occur hundreds of times throughout the night, disrupting your circadian rhythm and causing you to become sleep deprived. That has short-term consequences — like the grogginess and irritability — but it can also have long-term consequences for your health.

Sleep Apnea and Sleep Deprivation Harm Your Overall Health

Sleep deprivation can have long-term consequences for your overall health. Obstructive sleep apnea can cause your blood pressure to rise, leading to different health risks, like heart disease. Treating your sleep apnea allows you to get the restful sleep that you need to keep your body and mind healthy. Sleep apnea is most common in men, but it can occur in women too — especially during and after menopause. If you suspect that you might have sleep apnea, you should reach out to your dentist for treatment.

Ask About Sleep Apnea Treatment at Smith Family Dentistry

Our team at Smith Family Dentistry understands how valuable sleep is to human health. If something is disrupting your sleep, we want to treat the problem so that you can get back to resting. In many cases, we can offer a custom oral appliance that you can wear at night while you sleep. The oral appliance shifts your jaw to create an opening in your airways. Schedule a sleep apnea consultation by contacting Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX at 903-455-5750.