Do You Have A Dental Emergency?

While our office is closed for common treatments like checkups and cleanings or teeth whitening, we’re still offering residents of Greenville, TX, access to emergency dental care. In today’s blog, we’re looking at common emergency scenarios, discussing how to respond to them, and looking at possible treatment options.

Common Emergency Situations

What are some common dental emergency situations? Well, the more obvious include cracked or chipped teeth, as even minor damage could increase the risk of complications like cavities or dental infection. We also suggest seeing us if your teeth begin to ache regularly, as this could point to advanced decay or infection that needs treatment. If something is stuck between your teeth and causing pain, and you can’t dislodge it with floss, let us know! Other situations include loose or missing crowns or fillings, or an avulsed (knocked-out) tooth. If you encounter one or more of these issues, then please let us know right away.

Your Initial Response

For a damaged tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and take a pain reliever to ease discomfort. Then use a washcloth to control any bleeding, and a cold compress/ice pack to reduce facial swelling. If the tooth is knocked-out completely, place it in a glass of milk or salt water and bring it to the office with you. If you have loose or lost restorations, then avoid sugary foods and drinks until we can treat the tooth, as the exposed inner portions will be very sensitive. Finally, if you have an object stuck between your tooth or a toothache, rinse with warm water and let us know.

Possible Treatment Options

If possible, we will restore and repair the tooth with dental bonding or a custom-made and lifelike dental crown. If the tooth needs to be removed, we can perform an extraction and discuss possible tooth replacement options down the road. We can also replace any compromised restorations as well. When you visit, we will make sure you’re the only one in our waiting room, and also thoroughly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces throughout the office in between each patient visit. We want to take steps to ensure the health and safety of our patients when they visit our office! If you have any questions or concerns, then feel free to contact our office.

Do You Have Questions About Emergency Dentistry?

Our team is still here to help repair damage and restore the health and function of your smile. To learn more about our emergency treatment options or what you can do to safeguard smiles from home, schedule a consultation by calling Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, today at 903-455-5750. We proudly serve patients from Hunt County, Greenville, Royce City, Sulphur Springs, and all surrounding communities.