If you have started to notice that your smile has become a bit yellowed or dim, talk to a trusted dental provider about your options in treatment. While over-the-counter cosmetic choices have increased over the past few years, you could run into difficulties with their use. These products may be ineffective at treating your specific stains, causing you to repeatedly use them, which can weaken your enamel and leave you susceptible to dentin sensitivity.
At our dental practice in Greenville, TX, we can help you to understand the cause of your condition and formulate a treatment plan that works well for your smile. Start with a cleaning and examination so that you are sure that your condition is caused by the buildup of extrinsic stains. Internal discoloration can require a different form of treatment; be certain that you are not needlessly bleaching your enamel. Your oral health is important, so take the time for a professional approach to your teeth whitening!
Speak With Your Dentist Before Attempting Your Own Teeth Whitening
These days, there are more over-the-counter dental options than ever before, and cosmetic dentistry is a large subsection of these products. You might run into trouble relying on supermarket choices in your teeth whitening, however, and you should always consult your trained dental professional before making a serious change.
These products can be ineffective at removing your stubborn stains, causing you to try another over-the-counter whitening option. Even if these items are not lifting the shade of your enamel, you are still exposing your teeth to potentially harmful bleaching agents. This contact can lead to a weakening of your enamel, which can in turn cause dentin sensitivity. Speak with a dentist before you make any serious changes to your oral health routine.
Speedy In-Office Whitening Treatment From Opalescence®
After your dentist has diagnosed your condition and identified that extrinsic staining on your enamel is causing your smile to look dim or yellowed, you can begin to discuss forms of treatment. One of your options is a single office appointment that typically lasts just over an hour to complete.
Our Opalescence® whitening solution can help you to look better without the need for a lengthy process. Come on down to our office and discover the advantages of professional teeth whitening. Take your cosmetic dentistry seriously by keeping the eye of a trained professional on the health of your enamel the entire time!
Learn More About Cosmetic Teeth Whitening With Dr. Smith, DDS in Greenville, TX
For more information on how professional teeth whitening can help you to safely remove your troublesome stains, take the time to speak with our team. Give us a call at Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX at (903)455-5750!