A Brighter Smile In One Visit

greenville teeth whiteningIf you have dental discoloration, then you could feel embarrassed about your appearance. But we can provide a professional treatment option to remove stains and brighten your smile, often in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist talks about our in-office teeth whitening treatment.

What Causes Stained Teeth?

What cause our smile to develop unsightly yellow or brown stains? These could form for a number of different reasons. For example, if you have a diet high in sugar and starch, these feed harmful oral bacteria to create plaque buildup that makes discoloration more visible. If you drink beverages with dark pigments, like soda, red wine, tea, and coffee, this could discolor your smile too. Dental discoloration is also linked to tobacco use or improper brushing and flossing, or even infrequent dental cleaning visits. The factors vary, which is why is we will examine your smile carefully before we prescribe a treatment option. We want you to have the best treatment options to brighten your smile!

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Our team uses Opalescence® for our in-office teeth whitening treatment. The procedure can tackle stubborn and severe staining, so you obtain a brighter smile in only one visit. Our team will begin by applying a powerful bleaching gel directly to your teeth, while taking steps to keep your gums from being exposed to the gel. The gel is chemically activated, so no need for bright lights to activate the gel. The entire process takes as little as one hour, and you leave with a smile several shades brighter!

Masking Severe Discoloration

What if you have severe staining, with discoloration too severe to be treated with a teeth whitening procedure? In these cases, we can still help you achieve a bright smile. Instead of using teeth whitening, we could use dental bonding, the same composite resin used in our tooth-colored fillings, to mask the stains in only one visit. We also have porcelain veneers, thin shells we place onto the front of your teeth, which instantly reshapes the teeth and mask multiple cosmetic concerns, including your teeth stains. We could even use a combination of bonding and veneers for a smile makeover.

If you have any questions about how our team brightens smiles and either removes or masks discoloration, then contact our team to get started today. We want to help you feel confident and proud of your smile, and never hesitate to show it off to the world!

Ask Your Dentist In Greenville, TX About Cosmetic Dentistry

Our team wants to help you obtain a bright and beautiful smile in only one visit with our in-office teeth whitening treatment. To learn more about our approach to cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening, give us a call at Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX at (903)455-5750!