Comfortable Dental Repair With Root Canal Therapy

root canalWhen you think root canal, you probably envision all of the jokes and inaccurate rumors that paint it as an uncomfortable experience. However, most people find the process comparable to a filling placement, a comfortable and safe means of restoring smiles. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist explains how we provide root canals to stop infections!

The Signs of an Infection or Abscess

How do you know if you have an infected or abscessed tooth? Warning signs could include pain when you chew or bite down, a persistent ache that doesn’t pass after several hours, and swelling near the aching tooth. A discharge from the tooth could occur as well. The issue occurs once bacteria comes into contact with the inner pulp, a collection of living tissues that keeps your teeth alive and functional. An untreated cavity could eventually lead to one, as could a chipped or cracked tooth too!

Restoring Smiles with Root Canal Therapy

If we examine your smile and find a cavity too severe to be treated with a filling, or the presence of an infection or abscess, then we may suggest a root canal treatment. We start the process by administering a local anesthetic to ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed. We may also offer sedation for people with dental anxiety! We then open the tooth so we can extract the tissues within. We then clean the interior of the tooth and add gutta percha. Finally, we cure the material and cover the tooth with a crown, which protects the structure and also offers a lifelike appearance, as we often craft them from materials like ceramic.

Keeping Your Teeth Strong (and Safe)

To protect your smile from infection, you should make time to brush and floss daily, which removes food particles and limits the risk of enamel erosion and decay. You should brush when you wake up and again before going to sleep, and also floss every night before bed. Try to cut back on sugary foods and drinks too, as the particles these items leave behind on your smile feed harmful bacteria. We also suggest scheduling a checkup and cleaning appointment too, as we can keep a close eye on your smile and identify the earliest stages of issues like tooth decay and infection. If you have any questions about the process of completing a root canal, or about protecting your smile, then contact our team today.

Your Greenville, TX Dentist Restores Your Smile

At Smith Family Dentistry, we want to help you maintain your healthiest (and most attractive) smile with restorative dentistry. To learn more about our approach to restorative dental care then contact your Greenville, TX, dentist, Dr. Smith, by calling 903-455-5750.