When you have misalignment, this could mean negative impacts on smile beauty, as well as serious trouble for your oral health and bite function. Our team wants to help correct your alignment concerns without braces, instead offering a cosmetic option. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist discusses the benefits of Invisalign®.
The Causes and Risks of Dental Misalignment
Dental misalignment means your smile is uneven, including crooked teeth, crowded ones, and overlapping teeth. This could occur due to a wide range of complications in both childhood and adulthood, such as thumb sucking, premature loss of baby teeth, impacted permanent teeth, and the eruption of wisdom teeth. Tooth loss in the teen and adult years could be a factor too, as could injury to the face or jaw. Your uneven teeth could leave your smile more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease, as thorough brushing and flossing is more difficult. You could also feel embarrassed about your appearance, which impacts your social life. We want to offer a treatment option to address misalignment with a cosmetic approach: Invisalign®.
The Invisalign® Treatment Experience
With Invisalign®, you receive a series of plastic aligners and wear each set of them for two weeks. During those weeks, they are worn between 20 and 22 hours a day on average. Each set gradually and gently repositions your smile, so you gain an even one in as little as a year for some patients. Unlike metal braces, your orthodontics can be removed before meals or before brushing and flossing, which makes mealtime and daily oral hygiene habits much simpler. You can also remove them for special occasions! The aligners are easy to clean and store, and they can travel with you too!
Creating Custom Aligners
To ensure optimal results, we will custom-make each set, fitting them for your smile specifically. To begin, our team will take detailed digital images of your smile with an advanced imaging system, so we can gather pictures from multiple angles quickly and comfortably. We then combine them to create a 3D impression, one more accurate than a traditional physical impression. In a lab, experts will use this to design and create plastic aligners that help correct your uneven smile.
If you have any questions about the Invisalign® system, or about a consultation to see if this is right for your smile, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence for years to come, and enjoy better oral health and bite function too.
Schedule a Visit for Clear Aligners Today
Our team wants to help correct your uneven teeth with our clear and comfortable cosmetic orthodontics. Ask your dentist about our clear braces today by calling Smith Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, today at 903-455-5750.